Advantages of POSIMAT's Air Conveyors: A Unique Design

POSIMAT's air conveyors, thanks to their advanced design, offer multiple advantages that ensure efficient and reliable operation:

  • Double Guide Profile: This system transports the bottle by gripping it both above and below the neck ring, preventing marks that could compromise the appearance and quality of the final product.
  • Posijet Airflow: The generated airflow creates a cushion between the guides and the bottle's neck ring, significantly reducing friction. This innovative system decreases the risk of turbulence, providing excellent stability even at very high speeds, and reducing stoppages caused by stuck bottles.
  • Precise Airflow Control: The precisely directed airflow not only improves control of the bottles in motion but also reduces the risk of contamination, maintaining product quality throughout the transport process.

Key benefits of the double guide system with directed airflow:

  • Reduced Jams: POSIMAT technology minimizes interruptions in the production line.
  • Increased Speed: Bottles move more quickly and safely, improving overall efficiency.
  • Lower Air Pressure: Less pressure is used during operation, which reduces stress on the bottles and extends the equipment's lifespan.
  • Reduced Energy Consumption: Due to low friction, fan efficiency is optimized, resulting in lower energy consumption, contributing to more sustainable and cost-effective operation.

Thanks to this high level of control over bottles in motion, the POSIMAT POSIJET air conveyor is the only one on the market capable of tilting up to 90º with its VERTIJET system. Additionally, it makes it the most efficient solution for transporting short-neck bottles, ensuring superior performance in all applications compared to other market options.

Discover more information about POSIJET and VERTIJET air conveyors HERE.

perfil doble guia
corriente aire
botellas cuello corto

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